broccoli chicken food pasta

broccoli, chicken and pasta bake

Using the chicken in white sauce from Sunday makes this dead easy. Get some pasta on the boil along with some broc, meanwhile heating up some frozen chicken sauce and adding a little cream to loosen it up. When all is ready tumble into the same dish and bake. DONE.

broccoli food pie turkey

turkey, broccoli & stilton pie

I bloody love filo pastry. Crispy, buttery and melt-in-the-mouth, can’t get enough of it. I’ve pressed it into service here (ready-rolled stuff -blow making it from scratch!) atop an unctuous savoury pie.

The filling is dead easy. Turkey is fried to browning, then a few chopped broccoli florets are added. After a few minutes a can of Baxter’s Ham, Broccoli & Stilton soup is added, and once warm put into a dish and topped with pastry. Lovely.
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