chicken food peppers

chicken a la king

I’ve never been quite sure what’s kingly about peppers, but it’s tasty so that’ll do me. Yet again using the ever-bounteous frozen chicken, I warm this up with some ham from the deli. Then I add a drained jar of peppers in oil and end up with a very yummy dish that makes me grin all over.

chicken food pie

chicken and ham pies

Not my finest photography ever. Thankfully it ate a lot better than it snapped.

I fried some pancetta, and added Sunday’s frozen chicken. Then some peas in there. Sticking it in an individual pot and topping with frozen puff pastry was the hardest part. Sometimes I just get a craving for a pie, with a crispy brown top, that slightly soggy undercarriage, followed by a warm and gooey filling. This satisfies those cravings and then some.
chicken food roux wine

chicken in white sauce

An exercise in time-economy this one: make a meal base good for three dinners on a lazy Sunday, reap the rewards x3 during the pressured week.

I diced 6 chicken breasts and fried in batches till coloured and then left to one side. Meanwhile I fried an onion and deglazed with white wine. Once done I started getting my roux on; butter and flour coming together to make a paste, before adding chicken stock to make an unctuous gloop of savouriness. Then a little cream to thin it out, and we’re done.
It doesn’t sound like much written like that, but the process takes the best part of an hour. Now three potential meals are within arms reach. I divide this mixture into three and freeze once cooled in freezer bags, one of my favourite ever inventions.
cabbage chicken food

chicken schnitzel with sauerkraut

Crunchy chicken… the Colonel is on to something there. Chicken breasts, battered thin, washed in milk are then rolled in leftover breadcrumbs that have been whizzed up with S&P and a little paprika. These are then fried until irresistibly brown.

On the side is a little sauerkraut, which is red cabbage cooked down for a long time with an apple and some seasoning.
Very simple – very teutonic – very tasty.
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