beef red cabbage red onion sandwich

meatball sandwich

meatball sandwich with pickled red cabbage

I am a sucker for a sandwich – not paper-thin ham or simpering coleslaw but gutsy, no-punches-pulled sandwiches that America in particular seems to get right. This Jamie Oliver sarnie is styled that way and is darn close to being great. Plump meatballs and creamy cheese, lovely fresh cabbage and salty bacon… but there’s something missing. I reckon a sharp, fruity tomato sauce would really top this off. I ran for a jar of salsa and it made all the difference – next time I’d simmer off some tinned tomatoes and balsamic with garlic for a real relish to top it off.

Jamie’s version is served with a chopped salad and finished with banana ice cream.

Meatball sandwich (serves 4):
500g minced beef
1 tablespoon wholegrain mustard
½ a lemon
1 egg
Handful fresh basil
5 slices smoked pancetta
2 ciabatta loaves
4 slices Jarlsberg ceese
½ red cabbage
1 red onion
Small bunch of mint
½ a lemon

  1. Stick the oven on 150°C, and get a large frying pan on a medium heat.
  2. Roughly chop the basil and put into a bowl with the beef, mustard, lemon and egg. Add a splash of olive oil and season, then scrunch together with your hands. Divide into 16 and roll into balls. Shake and cook the meatballs for about 15 minutes, until browned all over.
  3. Bung the cabbage, red onion and mint into a food processor and grate together. Squeeze over some lemon and check for seasoning.
  4. Lay the pancetta around the meatballs and pop into the oven, and on a different shelf put the split loaves to warm through.
  5. After about 5 minutes get the bread out and lay the cheese on. Add a couple of meatballs, chuck some cabbage on top and top with a slice of pancetta.

By Gary @ BigSpud

A bit of a geek who loves food.

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