feta food garlic gnocchi peppers rocket

roasted pepper and garlic gnocchi with feta

When you’re trying to cook to a budget potato gnocchi is a great choice: just a few of them go a long way. Their bland nature makes them a great foil for any strong flavours. I’m a big fan of roasting vegetables so this is a super combo.

This is warming, filling, and doesn’t feel frugal! There’s lots going on with sharp, salty cheese; soft, toothsome gnocchi and rich, sweet roasted red peppers.

Approximate cost  for main ingredients, excludes storecupboard ingredients (prices from 7th Oct 2012): £3.63

Roasted pepper and garlic gnocchi with feta (serves 1):

2 red peppers

2 cloves garlic, skin left on

250g gnocchi

100g feta, diced

30g rocket

  1. Preheat the oven on to 180°C. Put the peppers and garlic on a baking tray, drizzle with oil and pop in the oven for 30 minutes to soften and char. When soft to the touch mash the squeeze the garlic out of their skins and mash together the peppers with a fork, adding some salt and pepper.
  2. Get a large pan of salted water on to boil. Add the gnocchi and boil according to the packet instructions. Drain and combine with the pepper sauce, then stir the feta and rocket through. Serve immediately.

By Gary @ BigSpud

A bit of a geek who loves food.

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