caster sugar chocolate cream food peanut butter

chocolate mousse peanut butter pie

Let’s read that title again. “Chocolate mousse peanut butter pie“. You already know if you want this recipe in your life or not.

This cake is pure indulgence and definitely one for the dessert lovers. Soft, light cream, dense chocolate mousse, crunchy peanuts, smooth peanut butter cream and a crisp Oreo base. There’s so much to enjoy!

If you’re celebrating Thanksgiving this would be a great one to serve, because what do you need after an enormous roast dinner but cake that’s about a billion calories per slice?

Don’t make the mistake I did and serve up whopping great 45° wedges, it’s far too rich and sickly! Serve a slim slice however and your guests will be cooing with delight. Make it for a special occasion and you’ll be very popular.

There’s a few stages involved and you need to put some time aside to do all the bits and pieces. Be prepared for bain maries, multiple mixing bowls and plenty of whisking so bring your whipping arm.

This recipe is based on one from an issue of the Jamie Oliver magazine.


chocolate mousse peanut butter pie

Author Gary @ BigSpud


For the base:

  • 250 g Oreo biscuits crushed
  • 75 g melted butter
  • 1 tablespoon flour

For the peanut butter cream:

  • 250 g peanut butter
  • 1 tablespoon icing sugar
  • 50 g melted butter
  • 50 g salted peanuts chopped

For the chocolate mousse:

  • 175 g chocolate milk or dark as you wish
  • 2 eggs separated
  • 50 g caster sugar
  • 3 g gelatine snipped into stamp-sized pieces
  • 200 ml double cream whipped to soft peaks

For the cream topping:

  • 300 ml double cream
  • 2 tablespoons icing sugar


  • Preheat the oven to 180C. Combine the crushed biscuits with the butter and the flour and press into the base and sides of a 20cm cake dish. Freeze for 10 minutes, and then bake in the oven for 10 minutes to crisp off. Turn the oven off and return the dish to the fridge until needed.
  • For the peanut butter cream, beat the peanut butter, icing sugar and butter together until smooth. Pour over the crushed biscuits and pop back in the fridge.
  • For the chocolate mousse, soak the gelatine in cold water while you get on with everything else. Set a bowl over a pan of simmering water and melt the chocolate. When completely melted pop the bowl to one side to cool. Get another bowl on the saucepan but this time with the egg whites and sugar. Whisk constantly until doubled in size.
  • Mix the egg yolks into the chocolate, and then add the gelatine. Fold in the egg whites, followed by the cream. Spread this over the peanut butter goop and again return to the fridge.
  • For the cream topping, whip the cream and sugar together until stiff and top the cake with it. Shave or grate the remaining chocolate over the top. You could eat it straight away but it’s best to leave it for an hour in the fridge.

More pie recipes?

Try Sarah’s pumpkin crostata

Or my pumpkin pie

Or this evergreen key lime pie

butter caster sugar food infographic

which ingredients does heston blumenthal use?

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This word cloud gives a flavour of what Heston Blumenthal puts in his recipes. Phrases in a larger font are used more often (yum, butter).

It’s been made by pulling all the ingredient text from his four major domestic cookery books and firing it into the excellent Wordle engine.

It shows that despite his reputation for off-the-wall, odd ingredients, the base of his cooking is comforting and familiar. Over and over the combination of thyme, rosemary and bay occur. Parsley abounds.  A typical soffrito of carrot, onion, celery and / or leek is very common. And look what else: butter, sugar, milk, cream, flour, eggs… it takes a long time to get to anything obscure. He definitely has specific favourites: banana shallots, fructose, sherry vinegar, button mushrooms crop up again and again.

This infographic props up the vision of the chef that I have in my head: looking to the future with a head firmly rooted in tradition.

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