Author Archives: Gary @ BigSpud

top rump roast beef

Here’s the thing: this was supposed to be about fore rib of beef. The Flintstones style piece of meat with the rack of bones around the side. It was to be my birthday treat, a deluxe cut I’d never cooked myself. But could I find it in any supermarkets? Nope. So I dejectedly chose a top rump roast joint instead. […]

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budget friendly kitchen makeover

Budget friendly kitchen makeover

Being a daily cook, avid user of kitchen gadgets and all-round food fanatic, I have some very grand ideas for my kitchen. My current kitchen was built in 2000 and hasn’t changed structurally since then. In my wildest dreams, a wall needs to come down over there, an appliance needs to move here… all big changes. Finance doesn’t really allow me to fulfil these […]

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