Author Archives: Gary @ BigSpud


Regular visitors will know that I am a great admirer of part-chef part-mad scientist Heston Blumenthal. His understanding of palate, along with questioning the status quo in kitchen techniques sheds new light on conventional wisdom. He, along with contemporaries Joël Robuchon, Thomas Keller among others have pushed one particular method to the forefront: sous-vide. The phrase literally means “under vacuum” and […]

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heston’s tagliata steak and salad

I’ve already devoted about a thousand words’ worth of wittering to how I like my steak. I have a well-practised and enjoyed technique which serves me very well. I’m not likely to modify it much for anything. And then Heston sodding Blumenthal goes and does it differently, doesn’t he? You know, that guy of whom I think the sun shines […]

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