roast balsamic potatoes and onions

Another roast potato recipe for the repertoire. These are from Jamie at Home. But these are very different, perfect for a barbecue and a lovely, smoky, intoxicating flavour. You need to use a great big whack of balsamic and it’s going to get cooked the hell out of it, so use the cheapest you can. Watch out when you open the oven early on, the acrid whiff of boiling vinegar can really catch in the back of the throat. It’s a dead good recipe though, and a pleasant change from normal potatoes.

Roast balsamic potatoes and onions
A tangy way to serve up potatoes.
- 1.5 kg new potatoes chopped into chunks
- 3 red onions peeled and quartered
- 4 cloves of garlic bashed
- 2 sprigs of thyme
- 150 ml balsamic vinegar
- Preheat the oven to 180°C. Bring some potatoes to the boil and simmer for 8 minutes.
- While the potatoes drain leave a little oil in a baking tray with the thyme and garlic in the oven to get warm. When your potatoes have drained add them to the baking tray with the onions. Drown in balsamic.
- Roast for about 45 minutes, tossing every so often to coat all well. Season before serving.
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