Author Archives: Gary @ BigSpud

chorizo hot pot

One of those “Feed Your Family For A Fiver” things from Sainsbury’s. I can’t help but embellish though. Two onions (two onions? Insanity!) and my old friend, sliced chorizo are fried together til crispy. Then tinned tomatoes, veg stock and some conchiglie are added. This is where I chuck in oregano and paprika, cos it just sounds too bland. Twenty […]

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chicken curry

Can the world take another generic ‘curry’ recipe? At least one more it seems. We kick off with ginger, onions, lentils, turmeric and cumin with 2 pints of water. This is left for 40 mins, then diced chicken is added for a further 25 mins. As seasoning right at the end, cumin seeds, ginger, garlic, cayenne pepper, nutmeg, cinnamon and […]

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