Search Results for: ice cream

exploding chocolate cakes

There are few simpler pleasures in life than cooking with your children. Baking cakes with a toddler can be a source of tremendous fun. We knocked these absurd little fairy cakes out one rainy afternoon, and had to make more the next day as they went down so well. The secret ingredient is Heston’s Chocolate Popping Candy – great fun! […]

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yoghurt tea loaf

I hate slugs. Not for slimy, yukky reasons, but because they wreak havoc on my nascent courgettes. I accepted all kinds of advice, one of which was scattering broken egg shells around the plants. So this cake was a good excuse to break some eggs. This is from The Yeo Valley Great British Farmhouse Cookbook. It’s a new book from […]

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devonshire splits

Apparently these are traditional – can’t say I’d ever heard of them. I made them to take round a friend’s house for tea and they certainly didn’t last like. Like a scone, but more like bread. Based on a Waitrose recipe. Devonshire splits (makes 12): 500g rice flour ½ teaspoon salt 25g caster sugar 1 x 7g sachet yeast 25g […]

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